Carrefour-Casalecchio: display counter water ?


Carrefour-Casalecchio: display counter water ?
November 2014. The shopping center Gran Reno, at Casalecchio (Bo), hosts a Carrefour hypermarket on two levels.

There are 38 cash desks, the lower floor is devoted to food products of great consumption, to the fresh (a produce section large and well standardized is deployed in the immediate vicinity of access to the area, right at the end of the escalator), textiles, to the Grocery Chemistry, newspapers and magazines; the non-food, in its remaining part, is instead upstairs, including books, which are so strangely separated from the rest of the editorial section.

There are numerous locations to make self-scanning, called "CASSA E VIA".

For reasons of simplicity, we enclose in two essential points the hallmarks of this hypermarket, blowing up the actual analysis in what follows in each of them.

1. Attraction of promotional catalog, set to last and create a real brand loyalty;
2. Non-invasive structural configuration, which recalls the sense of high efficiency and is clearly aimed at raising the productivity of work and to reduce the risks.
1. Promotional catalog.

Ongoing at the time of the visit, the promotional catalog with duration 6 to 19 November: “SPEND & RESUME 25%” on more than 1,000 products, with reimbursement vouchers.

Reinforcement is the seasonal catalog dedicated to toys (56 pages), valid from November 3 to December 24, together with an unusual contribution to the paper of 64 pages, which highlights the institutional partnership with some famous brands of the industry, which lasts from 13 November to 26 and titled: “CARREFOUR & BIG BRANDS. UNITY IS THE QUALITY”.

Promotional activity is modulated to initiate and strengthen brand loyalty through an attraction that comes directly from the distributor (in prime position) and takes place by means of the quality and the special relationship that exists with recognized brands.

There is an invitation to buy with the promise that a quarter of the cost of many products shown will be returned in the form of vouchers, redeemable later (between 20 and November 26).

The initiative, in fact, return for the exclusive benefit of the holders of PAYBACK SpesaAmica CARD, and is programmed to produce consistent effects over time, to stimulate in fact a precise choice of field, in the direction of fidelity.

This is the message text:

"Buy the products of Promotion “SPEND & RESUME 25%” and receive a discount on the ticket amount indicated. The coupon will be redeemable 20 to 26 November 2014. Spesamica Payback Card only. The value of the voucher issued is always minus any other discounts granted."

The issue presented is actually on the front page with the example of SMARTPHONE SAMSUNG GALAXY S3 NEO: cost € 249.00, guaranteed repayment of € 62.25! Not cheap these days…

Who buys is seduced by a 25% saving, but it is materialized through a subsequent visit and it is essential to certify the "status" of loyal customer.

In short, there is a strong advantage, undeniable, but it is a consequence of having to go back again to spend in the store and being loyal consumer.

The attraction strategy is balanced, not reckless.

It shows the fine quality of the thinking that lies beneath the marketing initiative and is able to confirm the international importance of this French company, although in recent times is not without several tribulations.

2. Efficiency.

The shape of the structure should serve the working efficiency and service to the consumer, without any invasiveness; the example as to merit a quote in part, in this case, is the bench in which are exposed the mineral waters.

The pallets, at floor level, normally follow the perimeter wall, as in any other hypermarket, but the supply is made directly from the reserve.

There is no wall boundary between storage and sales area; the supply ship under the Department of liquids (the one that usually registers one of the highest incidences in the relationship between total revenue and number of units sold) got on the pallets of mineral water and place it in the location provided quickly, without going out in the sales area and generate potential disruption of traffic or danger to the safety of consumers.

This type of display counter has the considerable merit of raising the productivity of the staff, maintain sufficient free area that is usually busy, encourage the maintenance over time of a display readable, neat and easy refillable.

Its effects can be most appreciated especially during the hot season, when the mineral waters are subject to great stress of selling, and of course during the days and times of maximum traffic.

It is not to be underestimated, however, even the ease of loading the reference of mineral water in promotion (usually in high demand, which often remains in its original space due to the fact that it does not fit exposure outside the linear).

It is an advantage that ultimately falls on everyone: the management of waiting good results given by the performance of hourly productivity, employees operating daily struggle with their work, consumer spending in the act of making a clear and convenient.

A bench designed in such a way means easy recovery of bulky goods and ordered vision of the category in exposure, significant fluidity in the operational dynamics, better stock control in storage and supply, significant reduction in the burden of practical storage and supply, avoidance of the risk of dangerous contact between work tools and customers in step (safety).

The only downside, perhaps: the store suddenly opens a window wide to be able to look around inside!
Not necessarily should be something to be feared, rather it may be just the right opportunity to be seen really beautiful and tidy… inside and out!

The visit took place on Wednesday 19, at 15:00.


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