Conad Tirreno: the numers of loyalty


Conad Tirreno: the numers of loyalty

January 2015.Loyalty by proposing benefits associated both to the collection points to the possibility of exercising real savings in money is behind the campaign "Valore Insieme", conceived by Conad del Tirreno in such a way to stand out a good jump, since January 2015 (the run, as will be seen in the continuation of this article, has already been taken in the last quarter of 2014, with effect from September 1).

On paper, from a theoretical point of view, there is nothing particularly exciting or innovative: on the grounds of loyalty fact (very common thing to most retailers actually organized), the points, the tendency to collect (both points that objects) and the discount (universal symbol of savings) have always played an essential role.

In this case, Conad has called into question all three, but also integrating factor "deferral", set to a time rate programmed, with a clear aim to act as "glue" between store and consumers for at least six and a half months (September 1, 2014 – February 15, 2015).

It was conceived and driven a kind of attractive force that pushes to buy the same place, due to the prospect to follow the accumulation of points and purchases incurred, the realization of one or more awards to discount and consequently to one or more actual savings, indeed quite substantial (20% to a minimum charge of € 25.00).
The phases of the program are as follows:
1. ACCUMULATION (from September 1 to December 31, 2014);
2. WITHDRAWAL (from 05 January to 18 January 2015);
3. SAVINGS (from January 19 to February 15, 2015).

In the first "moment", holders CARTA INSIEME CONAD accumulate 1 bonus for every Euro spent (with the possibility of doubling and speed up the collection when using CARTA INSIEME PIU’ CONAD);
in the second, bonus points earned can be turned into vouchers, to the extent that the achievement of 250 points (namely € 250.00) provides the right to obtain a voucher worth € 5.00;
in the third, and last, saving materializes, through a direct discount of € 5.00 on a minimum spend of € 25.00.
On balance, 2% is transformed into real savings of 20% for spending, if there are the conditions for a minimum spend of the value of € 25.00
A process takes place to what is presented as an object of convenience, clearly identifiable by way of a simple mathematical reasoning:
1. to mature discount of € 5.00, you must spend € 250 (representing the value of 250 points accumulated): this process is, in percentage terms, the 2% of the amount spent;
2. when to rely on savings, the customer of Conad del Tirreno, on a charge of € 25, is found in his pocket a right to discount € 5.00. The actual convenience, thus, becomes 20%.
What is worth emphasizing is that the customer rents a real benefit, higher than what is perceived on a nominal basis (in accumulation phase), whose awareness is in the home, separated from the solemn tones of advertising.

The sign shows to have elected the marketing "out of store" in the main engine of sales for the beginning of 2015; it could continue year equally profitable focusing on marketing "in store".

In this vein, the “PromoMerchandising Complementare”, currently almost absent in shops despite the rich heritage of "private label", it would be useful to strengthen the impact of promotional campaigns, to strengthen customer loyalty on the many products with store brand, to increase the profitability of the spaces through the compensation of the promotional investments and complementarity among the items (product of institutional promotion – product branded Conad, compatible on a complementary basis).


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